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Guillemette Laurent

Guillemette Laurent (c) Maël Crespo WEB (7) retouche.jpg

Particularly interested in text theater, Guillemette Laurent seeks to share her passion with those for whom theater is not necessarily obvious.

Particularly interested in text theater, Guillemette Laurent seeks to share her passion with those for whom theater is not necessarily obvious, and alternates projects with amateurs and projects with professionals. Since 2008, she has set up Mara / Violaine (2008) after Paul Claudel, Histoires d'A (2010), a show resulting from a workshop for adolescents, Le Fond des mers after Ibsen (2013), Exit ( 2014), creation from workshops for young amateurs, La Musica second by Marguerite Duras (2017) and Our daily gestures are only inflamed declarations of love (2017), a text written and commissioned from Marie Henry for amateur actors of all ages.

In 2020, she will stage at the Théâtre Varia, Dressing Room by François Emmanuel, then, in 2021, Quand tu es retour I did not recognize you by Geneviève Damas at the Théâtre des Martyrs, and will perform in 2023 Peer Gynt d'Ibsen with professional and amateur actors (workshops for amateurs conducted during the 2021-2022 season).

She collaborated on the direction and the dramaturgy of Nasha Moskva (2015) based on The Three Sisters   and co-founded in 2016 Le Colonel Astral with Marie Bos, Estelle Franco and Francesco Italiano. In 2021, with this collective, she will stage Todos Caerán , a rewrite by Francesco Italiano of Cervantes' Don Quixote , at the Théâtre de La Balsamine, in Brussels.


Guillemette Laurent is also an educator: she teaches regularly at INSAS in Brussels, at the Conservatory of Mons, and leads workshops for young actors in high schools. She artistically coordinates the Pass à l'Acte Project for the Théâtre du Rideau, Les Tanneurs and the Théâtre Océan Nord (Brussels).

PEER GYNT · Re-creation at Théâtre Varia

PEER GYNT · Re-création à MARS/Mons 

PEER GYNT - Interview de Guillemette Laurent par Alice Piemme - Archives and Museum of Literature (2022)




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