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PEER GYNT, from Henrik Ibsen
/ Théâtre participatif · 2022 · 2023 · 2024

& Yoann Blanc

A project with 20 amators actors/venue

A thug, liar, alcoholic and licensed seducer is banished from his home. He then sets off to challenge the wide world and misses everything he does before discovering, only at the end, the truth of the loneliness of his unique self.

A project by Guillemette Laurent and Yoann Blanc Text Henrik Ibsen Directed by Guillemette Laurent Interpretation Yoann Blanc (Peer Gynt), Catherine Salée, and 20 amateur actors (by location) Scenography  Christine Grégoire and Nicolas Mouzet-Tagawa Assistant director Laure Lapel Masks and artistic advice Stephan Goldrajch Costume design Claire Fara Light design Amélie Gehin Sound creation  Thomas Turine Technical direction  Nicholas Oubraham Development, communicati and coordination Bloom Project/Stéphanie Barboteau

A scoundrel, alcoholic, opportunist, inconsequent and mythomaniac is banished from his community. He then leaves to defy the vast world and misses everything he does before discovering the truth about the man he is...


Through PEER GYNT, Ibsen questions the power of fiction and its compatibility (or incompatibility) with life. How real and imaginary can they dialogue in harmony? How does collective necessity impact everyone's personal mythology and  their individual freedom? What part does the other take in the elaboration of an identity?

PEER GYNT builds stories and disguises reality so as not to confront it, but it is this detour that allows us to glimpse a truth about himself. During his identity quest, he will experience otherness, but self-perception obviously sharpens in contact with the other. 

Creating PEER GYNT with Yoann Blanc and Catherine Salée and amateur actors is to affirm the co-existence of disguises and costumes, decor and scenography, stage music and sound creation, it is to play with one to highlight the other -and vice versa-, it is finally to say the complexity and richness of the world. 


Ibsen's text may seem distant, flirting with emphasis and folklore, but faced with our multiple and contemporary eyes, it will say something about theater, and therefore about life. 

Descriptif PEER GYNT

12/02 → 09/03/2022

Residence avec groupe amateur·rice·s 3, Théâtre de Liège (Be)

12/02 → 09/03/2022

Residence avec groupe amateur·rice·s 3, Théâtre de Liège (Be)

23/11→ 02/12/2023

*Re-Creation* with amateurs group 2, Théâtre Varia, Bruxelles (Be)


Residence with amateurs group 2, Théatre Varia, Brussels (Be)


Residence with amateurs group 2, Théatre Varia, Brussels (Be)


*Creation* with amateurs group 1, MARS, Mons Performing Arts (Be)

27/10→ 30/11/2022

Residence with amateurs group 1, MARS, Mons Performing Arts (Be)

20/06→ 15/07/2022

Residence Théâtre Océan Nord, Brussels (Be)

BLOOM Project asbl

Rue Saint Josse 49, 1210 Bruxelles 

BCE : 0449042494 - RPM Bruxelles

BLOOM Project benefits from a Contrat Programme from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

& is supported by Actiris, COCOF & Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

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