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Cie Still Life

Visual theater | Short form
Creation December 2020

Faithful to their tragicomic, squeaky and quirky universe, Sophie Linsmaux and Aurelio Mergola start from a situation that is all in all trivial, but quickly leave realism to embrace phantasmagoria.

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A show by the company Still Life in co-production with the Théâtre Les Tanneurs | A delegated production of the Théâtre Les Tanneurs


The Still Life company is an associate artist at the Théâtre Les Tanneurs.

Descriptif show time

Concept and interpretation Sophie Linsmaux and Aurelio Mergola

Scenography Aurélie Deloche

Staging Sophie Leso

Co-screenwriter Thomas van Zuylen

Lighting Guillaume Toussaint Fromentin

Sound Guillaume Istace

Prosthesis Florence Thonet and Anne Van Nyen

A show by the company Still Life in co-production with the Théâtre Les Tanneurs | A delegated production of the Théâtre Les Tanneurs


The Still Life company is an associate artist at the Théâtre Les Tanneurs.

Amateur ballroom dance league. Final. 8 p.m. Under the eyes of an amazed audience, Dana and Anton dance masterfully. Grace and voluptuousness. The pace is steady. Above all, stand firm, endure and surpass oneself. Suddenly the seams burst. Everything literally seems to be falling apart. Will they triumph?


With SHOWTIME, the company Still Life pursues a cycle of short forms. This shows bodies at the end of their rope in which the decay of appearances takes place. Struggle and despair. Faithful to their tragicomic, squeaky and quirky universe, Sophie Linsmaux and Aurelio Mergola start from a situation that is all in all trivial, but quickly leave realism to embrace phantasmagoria.

Agenda show time


REPORT EN COURS // *CREATION* Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Bruxelles (Be)

01 > 12/12/2020


REPORT EN COURS // Festival de Liège (Be)

28 > 29/01/2021

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BLOOM Project asbl

Rue Saint Josse 49, 1210 Bruxelles 

BCE : 0449042494 - RPM Bruxelles

BLOOM Project benefits from a Contrat Programme from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

& is supported by Actiris, COCOF & Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

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