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Marie Henry | Clement Thirion


Creation September 2019 - 90'

An ordinary family entangled in a delicate situation and which expresses its discomfort badly.

The silences and the unspoken unfold in a camaieu of faded pink dresses, dull and boring landscapes, lounges in salmon imitation leather and ugly wallpapers with floral prints.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Far from any activism or moralizing discourse on the transgender question, an impressionist and caustic family fresco.





Descriptif Pink Boys

Direction Clément Thirion | Writing and dramaturgy Marie Henry | Interpretation Gwen Berrou, Lucas Meister, Simon Thomas, Mélodie Valemberg, Mélanie Zucconi   | Assistant director Deborah Marchal | Music Thomas Turine | Scenography and costumes Saskia Louwaard & Katrijn Baeten | Lights S askia Louwaard & Remy Urbain | Set construction and costumes Ateliers du Théâtre de Liège   | Trainee and wigs Adrien De Biasi | Photographic locations Julien Stroïnovski | General management and technical direction (alternating) Christophe Van Hove / Gaspar Schelck | Development and dissemination BLOOM Project / Stéphanie Barboteau

Delegate production Mars, Mons Arts de la Scène / Kosmocompany

Co-production Kosmocompany, Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre La Balsamine Brussels, house of culture of Tournai / house of creation, La Coop asbl.
Supports Shelterprod,, ING Tax-Shelter of the Belgian federal government.
With the help of the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation - Direction du Théâtre - CAPT

Show nominated for the 2020 Maeterlinck Critics' Awards ( Best Writer, Best Female Actor and Best Male Actor)

Pink Boy: We designate by Pink Boy a little boy who likes to wear feminine attributes, mainly pink (dresses, necklaces, makeup,…). A Pink Boy does not necessarily want to be female, and does not necessarily become homosexual.

Old Lady: Woman of a certain age who likes pink. And who won't be long.


Normand, who is not a Norman, is a fairly ordinary little boy, but Normand likes to wear dresses.

Normand's father's sister finds this behavior "borderline limit" - she always doubles the words when she is embarrassed.

Normand's mother would sometimes like to trepane her son to see what is wrong inside, which is drastic but not the most practical.

His maternal grandmother - and why not a hormone cure? - seems to be the most concrete but Normand does not want to change sex, Normand just wants to feel good, in this in-between, in this indefinite space in which he evolves, and which does not bear a name.

Normand's father, finally, would like to express himself, but what he says is unintelligible.

One day, he decides to accompany his son in a robe to school ...

Inspired by a news item, PINK BOYS & OLD LADIES deploys an impressionist and caustic family fresco, where everyone, entangled in this delicate situation, expresses their discomfort badly. Because in this family we talk a lot but we mostly talk about nothing, because we don't want to talk about everything.

Agenda Pink Boys


*CREATION* Mars, Mons Arts de la scène (Be)

24 > 26/09/2019


Théâtre de la Balsamine, Bruxelles (Be)

28/09 > 05/10/2019


Maison de la culture de Tournai/maison de création (Be)

08 > 09/10/2019

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Théâtre Les Martyrs, Bruxelles (Be)

15 > 23/10/2020


ANNULÉ // Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris (Fr)

27 > 28/10/2020


Kinneksbond, Centre Culturel Mamer (Lu)


REPORT EN COURS // Théâtre de Liège @La Cité Miroir (Be)

25 > 28/11/2020

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BLOOM Project asbl

Rue Saint Josse 49, 1210 Bruxelles 

BCE : 0449042494 - RPM Bruxelles

BLOOM Project benefits from a Contrat Programme from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

& is supported by Actiris, COCOF & Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

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