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/ Visual Theater · from age 12 · creation mars 2025

*warning cry from the woodcutters before the tree falls.


With TIMBER, the Still Life company takes the forest as its theatrical playground : A place apart from all norms, a wild environment between utopias and nightmares. A place now terribly threatened, where the ground may fall down at any moment.

Concept and direction Sophie Linsmaux and Aurelio Mergola Interpretation Muriel Legrand, Sophie Leso, Sophie Linsmaux & Aurelio Mergola General assitant Sophie Jallet Scenography Aurélie Deloche & Noémie Vanheste Accessories Noémie Vanheste Costumes Camille Collin & Cinzia Derom Staging and movement Sophie Leso Scenario Sophie Linsmaux, Aurelio Mergola & Thomas van Zuylen Sound creation Maxime Pichon Light design

Guillaume Toussaint Fromentin Prosthetics Joachim Jannin Stage manager Nicolas Olivier Assistant stage manager Charlotte Persoons Artwork Elena Vizerskaya Administration and production Marion Couturier Development, communication & distribution (Fr) BLOOM Project - Stéphanie Barboteau Distribution for non-French-speaking territories Aurora Nova - Carolina Ortega -


Production Compagnie Still Life Executive production Théâtre Les Tanneurs Co-production Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Centre Culturel de Huy, Les Célestins - Théâtre de Lyon, la COOP asbl et Shelter Prod With the help of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Service du Théâtre 

Distribution - non-French-speaking countries : Aurora Nova / Carolina Ortega -

- french speaking countries : BLOOM Project / Stéphanie Barboteau

The Still Life company is associated artist with Théâtre Les Tanneurs

From a failed attempt to reintroduce a feral animal to a rain of dead birds crashing to the ground. From a reconnection to nature and survival workshop to a tête-à-tête with a bionic primate. TIMBER is a contemporary fable which dissects our relationship with the living.


Still Life's creations reveal the precarious existence and fragility of the human condition. 

Without a word - or almost without a word - their shows depict a world where everything goes terribly wrong. Where flaws and weaknesses are stripped bare and where the bodies and nerves - of actors and spectators alike - are on edge.


After exploring our need to connect with others in FLESH, the Still Life company is now questioning our bond with nature, at a time when the livability of our world is under threat and every perspective is tainted with terror. 

Through fiction and humor, and to create spaces to unfold collectively our imaginations, Sophie Linsmaux & Aurelio Mergola plunges us to the depths of the abyss to awaken our link to the living, our fundamental need to be together.

descripton TIMBER

16/09→ 18/10/2024

Residency Location search in progress


21→ 24/10/2024

Residency Centre Culturel de Huy (Be)

27/01→ 22/02/2025

Residency Location search in progress


24/02→ 10/03/2025

Residency Théâtre Les Tanneurs

11→ 22/03/2025

*Creation* Théâtre Les Tanneurs

02→ 03/04/2025

Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi x Théâtre de l'Ancre (Be)

23→ 24/04/2025

Centre Culturel de Huy (Be)

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