Louise Baduel - Leslie Mannes
Cie System Failure

The System Failure company strives to create hybrid scenic objects between dance and theater in which the second degree allows to question social issues such as the human-machine relationship.
The SYSTEM FAILURE company strives to create hybrid scenic objects between dance and theater in which the second degree makes it possible to question social subjects such as the human-machine relationship.
Fascinated by the impact of technology in our daily lives and with a common desire to stage the failures of the system in which we live, Louise Baduel and Leslie Mannès have assembled a team of artists close to their world: the composers Lieven Dousselaere and Thomas Turine, the interpreter Sébastien Fayard, the interpreter Sébastien Jacobs and the light designer Vincent Lemaître.
Together, they play with all the artifices of the theater device, summoning a multitude of sound and visual effects inspired by Science-Fiction in order to portray in a critical-playful way an increasingly digitized society provoking both fear and fascination.
Through these joyful speculations on a possible future, the company presents the human being savoring all the appearances of his faults. Currently, profitability and performance are the rule. In her work, she tries to reverse the trend by promoting the status of the “looser”. It features a group of individuals in crisis, constantly busy dealing with problems. These tragicomic situations make “failure” appear as a moment of humanity.