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Creation November 2016 – 70′
From 87 years old
A show by Marguerite Duras

17.02.17  I Le Vif, Estelle Spoto  

New stars, joint interview with Yoann Blanc and Catherine Salée
03.01.17 I Free Culture, Marie Baudet

The couple according to Duras, an astonishing mirror
04.03.17 I

At 23'20
05.03.17 I Radio Panik, Social issues

Interview with Guillemette Laurent, at 93′
06.03.17 I The Three

Day off

07.03.17 I BX1, Registered Mail

David Courrier receives Catherine Salée and Yoann Blanc
09.03.17 I Music 3, François Caudron

Interview with Guillemette Laurent
03.11.17 I La Libre
  Belgium, Marie Baudet

La Musica Second or the storms of the inevitable
13.03.17 I
  Ask for the program ,

Catherine Sokolowski
13.03.17 I Karoo, Victory of Changy

The Second Musica”  is it still awful  ”?
13.03.17 I Rue Du Théâtre, Suzane Vanina

replay the past
15.03.17 I RTBF, Christian Jade

The impossible rupture, perpetual motion
03.15.17 I Le Soir, Jean-Marie Wynants

Catherine Salée and Yoann Blanc thrill Duras

15.03.17 I  The Board Conspiracy/Radio Campus  

Isabelle Pluhmans
15.03.17 I

Eric Russon

The wild child in question is not present on stage, but his evocation by the man who discovered him one day on the Place du Jeu de Balle in Brussels, uttering animal cries and biting himself, is simply overwhelming
Caroline Dunski, Le Soir, 06/01/16
We can tell ourselves that this time, we won't let it go, that we're going to grit our teeth, that we're not going to shed that cursed tear that makes your most impassive seat neighbors smile, but nothing to do: with each new piece by Céline Delbecq, we have our guts turned and our minds smeared
Catherine Makereel, Le Soir, 13/01/2016
This is not a plea. Not only. But an invigorating monologue, oscillating between extreme harshness and absolute tenderness. Favorite of the reading office of France Culture, and "solidarity and collective production" carried by a wide range of cultural places, L'Enfant sauvage contains - in less than 40 pages and barely 1h10 - what theater and literature offer the vital, the moving, the necessary: meaning.
Marie Baudet,, 20/01/16
An excellent actor powerfully carries the poignant work of Céline Delbecq
Françoise Lison Leroy, The Future, 01/25/2016
The young Belgian author shows extraordinary skill in talking about heavy subjects. We find his paw borrows finesse and sensitivity. Supported by the game without excess of Thierry Hellin
Cécile Berthaud, L'Echo, 01/26/2016
Thierry Hellin deploys treasures of subtlety. A great simple show that cannot leave anyone indifferent
Christian Jade,, 02/16/2016
On a frame, all in all very tenuous, Céline Delbecq wrote a monologue of eloquent humanity and Thierry Helin composed an interpretation in the same vein. These two managed to move us. Not from this superficial emotion distilled by the media by dint of effects close to voyeurism and which vaguely gives an ephemeral good conscience for the time of a shed tear, but simply by putting on stage a very ordinary human striving to go beyond the moment, the drive to be in tune with himself.
Michel Voiturier, Theater Street, 08/02/16
Céline Delbecq is a mixture of poetry and strength, and sometimes something escapes us. In L'Enfant sauvage, she writes with her belly, with her skin, with her eyes. In his words, there are all those things that one cannot say or that one does not want to see. And if our heart is outside every time his words touch us, it's because all of life is in his stories and in his subtle way of telling them to us. (…)
Thierry Hellin pierces the body and the heart of the spectators.
Sébastien Hannesse, Ask for the program, 02/22/2016







BLOOM Project asbl

Rue Saint Josse 49, 1210 Bruxelles 

BCE : 0449042494 - RPM Bruxelles

· This website was edited by @yseulyseult with Maison neue typography by Timo Gaessner ·

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